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Tuesday, December 21, 2010.


okay this post is to firstly, CELEBRATE MY 200TH POST, and secondly, REVIVE THIS LONG-DEADED BLOG. so u see the link down there? YES, i killed my blog for three months juz to return back with this post as my 200th!!! okay im kiddin.

now first i wanna thank those WONDERFUL ADS. you noe, i have never known how IMPORTANT you are until now :( if not for all of you great creative ads, my blog may have been shut down! so THANK YOU SO MUCH for constantly keeping my tagboard and my blog alive!! so continue on with the creative ads, on OTHER PEOPLE's blogs tho :)

yup i returned from taiwan and hk since like 2 weeks ago... STILL MISS TAIWAN AND HK :( yeah coz firstly u go there everyday u got something to do, not like now im currently rotting at home -.- miss those days man hais. okay here's a sample itenarary of one day in the trip!

6am -- my phone alarm rings. wakes up, go brush teeth bathe etc. comes out of the bathroom and sees benjamin stoning down there like a dead zombie lol. apparently not awaken yet. kay and then he goes and bathe.

630am -- MORNING CALL! yup we always wake up 30min before morning call coz we nidta bathe and etc. yes shant explain wats the etc. it's juz gotta do with the toilet bowl.

645am -- down for breakfast! breakfast usually consists of porridge + bread + strawberry jam + sunny side up egg + orange juice + nuts + nuggets (sometimes)

730am -- leaves the hotel for our sightseeing!

730am to 830am -- either sleep or chat in the bus during the usually one hour long journey. tho there was one time 果子姐姐 said the journey was 20min and it ended up with 1hr20min -.- oh and 果子who? yup 果子姐姐, 小萍姐姐, cindy姐姐 and irene姐姐 are our wonderful tour guides for this trip! :)

830am -- reaches destination 1. if we slept, then most prob we'll be glued to our seats saying "我不想下去啦", then a person who didnt sleep would drag us down the bus. yeahh. and usually im the one being dragged -.-

830am to 12noon -- sightseeing!! in the middle there may be some bus journeys too. so for the whole trip bus journeys = sleep times.

12noon to 1pm -- LUNCH :) lunch would usually be three huge tables, then we would sit down. sometimes free seating sometimes in our groups.

1pm to 5pm -- another round of sight seeing! yup sleep times in the middle too.

5pm to 6pm -- DINNER :) haha almost the same scene as lunch so i shant explain thens.

6pm to 7pm -- sleep time! as we go back to our hotel. oh and usually our tour guide would be like "好明天的行程!! Morning call 5点半 (HUH?!?!?!) 早餐 6点 (酱早?!) 我们6点45分出发! (为什么?!?!) 我们明天要到台中,车程可能需要3个小时。(YAY SLEEP TIME!)"

7pm -- REACHES HOTEL! then usually we would go to our fav convenient store to buy stocks (not 股票 la) -- instant noodles, drinks, 饭团, chewing gum, sweets, chocs, magazines (charmaine bought 一周刊 and realised how R-21 it is), etc etc.

8pm -- back to the room! usually would use comp until like 10pm, watch kangxi, then go sleep. yeah nvr do hw or watsoever, juz slack. haha. but the last few days of the second week we hafta chiong our proj :( and i hafta stay up late to think abt a stupid topic even when im sick zzz.

YUP tt's our itenarary for a normal day LOL. and visited alot of schs, made lots of tw and hk friends :) kk shall stop toking abt this trip alr yeah!

okay and since i'm back in s'pore lots of reality stuff come back to me -.-


hais... tt's why i wna go back to taiwan/hk :( ahwells. okay going to mug l8r with gerome and yinghui at pasir ris! nah not exactly mug la, juz do hw. okay but for now maybe it's considered mug. aiyah dunno lah i juz noe tt i gotta finish those stupid jianbaos and duhougans -.-

ahwell shall not end at such a frustrated tone. lemme advertise something!

DHSCO GONGYAN 2011!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Date: 6th February 2011
Venue: Esplanade! (should be concert hall i think)
Time: 7pm! (i guess)
Tix prices not out yet but PLEASE COME OKAY!! lots of great songs to listen to :))

okay shall go prepare. bye! :)

NO, i don't speaka in english...
12:28 PM

Friday, September 24, 2010.

HARROOO~~~ i just realised its one more post to the BIG 200!

okay anw this one whole week is crazy mugging luh. look at my boring schedule:

monday -- sch, mug.
tuesday -- sch, mug.
wednesday -- sch, mug.
thurs -- wake up at 430am to mug, sch, mug.
fri -- sch, mug.

aww wells... ANW PPL its juz 2 more weeks to paradise! pull through okayy! :)) JIAYOUS~

ohh i shall post abt shicheng! haha. okay here goes!

9am -- reaches sch to carry instrus. and i muz say GY + DJY is really efficient! haha. i tink even before i reached sch most instrus move to the loading bay liao, which leaves me lil to move... but anw lorry came, went up lorry to load the instrus, done, went down the bus, took stuff and went to the bus. luckily bus big enuf we took two seats each! haha damn shiok.

1030am -- reaches esplanade! haha esplanade is rlly cool! and i got my third esplanade pass (first was syf presentation, second was huayi perf) :)) unloaded the instrus and fixed the bianzhong onstage. the stage is like, WOAH, big and spacious! u look at the audience seats it's like, WOAH, again coz there're like 4 floors of seats. haha. okay suagu here toking abt some concert hall ppl may tink ordinary O.O

1130am -- changed into perf attire, went to eat lunch! realised i got shortage of coins zzz... and when i FINALLY squeezed out 1.20, GUESS WHAT. i wanted to press for Sparking Apple but in the end i went to press Grass Jelly -.- greatness much. HEALTHY DRINK ANW haha. okay lunch was mixed veg rice. haha normal shicheng lunches lah.

12noon -- soundcheck! soundcheck lasted for quite long and i almost slept during songs i nvr play eg. 五月散花 and 月儿高 lol. went to look at programme booklet which was put on our pujias. haha quite cool la. kelvin ho told us tt the high-pitched guy was in fact born in 1981 (which is 29 years old). lol considered old la coz we expected him to be like 20 or 21 nia coz he looked really young O.O maybe he havent even broken voice? lol. ohoh and we said the woman singer is like the lady gaga of china and the 29-yr-old guy is like the justin bieber of china. HAHA EPICS.

230pm -- soundcheck ends! free and easy actly. me and gerome went to the audience seats, went to look arnd each floor of seats. haha second floor quite cool la. coz there are seats at the side, like balcony style... but the highest level, woah. really scary sia. it makes u feel like u're gonna fall anytime O.O haha found out where bernice and fh were sitting so we left a copy of the programme booklet and a maths ques under fh's seat lol. heng they found it or else ppl might call up police saying got suspicious parcel under their seats with YO FANGHUA and YO BERNICE inside -.-

5pm -- CONCERT STARTS!! haha 走西口 was not bad la. then foloed by the high-pitched guy with 天下黄河九十九道弯 lol. after tt me and bev were like singing:

"你知道~~~~天下的黄河哟~~~有‘几’十‘几’道弯" where the 弯 is ultra high-pitched and we would pit cheh down there haha.

after tt were quite okay. soon it was intermission, blah blah. finally came to 草原雄鹰! haha in the middle i was too excited my suona juz flew off from my lap -.- but anw i tink the whole perf was GREAT! :)

7pm -- END OF PERF!! :) haha then went out to meet frens and seniors and thanks for the gifts man!! i really appreciate it! :)) okay i shall do a formal thank you:

THANK YOU TO CLAR AND VERON for your sunny yellow sunflower!
THANK YOU TO FANGHUA AND BERNICE AND GRACE for your moisturising lip balm!
THANK YOU EILEEN AND YINHANG for your very beautiful blue rose!


730pm -- BUFFET TIME~~ esplanade treated us to thai-style buffet. really nice! esp the scallops and fried rice part. YUMZZ~

8pm -- HOME SWEET HOME! haha really enjoyed this shicheng perf man! hope i can go for the next one :)) which is in dec i tink. hope i can make it!

kk ultra tired after squeezing one week of brains. shall go sleep now! byeee~~

P.S. and to those idiots who have nothing better to do but to spam tag my blog, GO EAT CRAP and dun u dare come back. i dun care if ur product doesnt sell well. karma, i guess, for spamming my tagboard??? :)


NO, i don't speaka in english...
10:38 PM

Tuesday, September 14, 2010.

SO SORRY TO MY BLOG GAHHH I SORT OF PANGSEH-ED IT CLOSE TO A MONTH!! okay now i shall not let u endure any more pains by those stupid ad tags!

Dear Ad Tags,

I am sorry if you've paid money to advertise on my blog but
1. My blog is not an advertising blog, and
So would you just scram :)


OKAY back to the pt! ehh eoys are in like *i dun wna count* days and apparently there's still so many projects flying here and there that WE JUST CAN'T STUDY IN PEACE. great job mans! so much for asking us to work hard :)) anw just JIAYOUS ppl and i believe yall will ace the projects and the eoys! me too haha.

ehh friday will be MAF O.O and srsly. im srsly srsly abit nervous. tdae huiyi and a bunch juz came up to me and shouted "solo!" and i blanked out O.O pls i beg u mans! dun pressurise me haha. i will do my best yeah!

and sunday's shicheng perf. realised i havent even publicised abt the concert ok here you go~

Scenic Sounds of the Grassland 《花好月圆·草原之夜》
September 19
5.00pm -- 7.30pm
Esplanade Concert Hall
City Chinese Orchestra

PLS COME OKAY! if u wna buy tix tell me anytime :) but before the perf tho. haha. yeap the most impt ting i guess for dhsco is 草原雄鹰 must watch okay!

all righties i guess i dun haf much to post liao. and sorry blog :( i may be posting after quite a long time so yeah! enjoy urselves with the cat on a stick! O.O

kk gtg byee~~ :)

NO, i don't speaka in english...
6:42 PM

Sunday, August 22, 2010.

OKAY as guchun has suggested i shall post abt the taiwan buddies~~!

DAY 1 -- yeap picked them up earlyearly and went to conference room. then wells, the girls started screaming "OMG SO SHUAI!" as soon as they walk into the room HAHA -.- yeah then went for toilet (?!) and then flag raising :) so weird to stand in front of the whole parade square for the first time haha. and very scared tt the badge cannot pin coz its the ancient senior high badge tt wells, rlly high-tech la. idk how to open the badge LOLL. then they went for sch tour, we went for lessons. brought them up for lessons after tt. once we step inside, girls (esp enci tsejie etc) all started shrieking in happiness haha! ohwells obsession luhh.

DAY 2 -- picked them up early too then went for flag raising. dk where to let them stand so they stood at the back of the class LOL. yeah then went for lessons as usual, shrieks from girls, and now they ask whether they can stalk the guys -.- and then brought them downstairs. not much la for day 2. liddat only if im not wrong HAHA.

DAY 3 -- ehh well managed to pon pe lesson coz we can go watch the taiwan ppl play bball friendly match. haha not bad rite good deal mans! after pe lesson 3H ppl came in and watched too. got the guys, and girls (yesh tt gang of girls HAHA). shrieks of excitedness this time loll. in the end kangchiao won dhs! haha great job both teams~ yeah after sch brought them to dazu. SRSLY. it was ULTRA boring for them. if it was me i tink it'll have been boring too la... so i asked them go outside walk for a while then come back LOL. kay dazu 3hrs over, went to klp. the kangchiao guys walk really slowly haha. see got contrast. fast-paced singapore VS slow-paced taiwan LOLL. then we got ultra-fast-paced kehui wangzhi and guchun. u can imagine the distance gap lol. okay anw went to eat koufu (tt's a food court dumbdumbs) then went for ICE-SKATING! haha thanks to jason and gang who taught me to ice-skate mans! DIDNT FALL AT ALL!! not bad rite for beginner. yesh thankyou. ice-skated until quite late -- 11pm then went home. slept at 12am close to 1am. haha totally tired...

DAY 4 -- okay mass spams of shopping! anw first went to singapore discovery centre (SDC). the 4D movie ting not bad la haha. and we got extra movie coz apparently they showed the wrong one -.- so yeaps 2 for the price of 1! :)) went for some singapore exhibition which we felt rather weird abt it haha. then went for a 3D movie... TOTALLY BORING. the plot was CRAP, totally failed production. everyone was sleeping loll except for simba, pro nvr sleep (Y). OH and we were discussing heavily abt benjamin's famous quotes!! go check msn PMs for the quotes okay! rlly valuable! will teach u life lesson one~ haha. and i tink coz we laugh too much abt the quotes i got baoying alr -.- MY SLIPPER BROKE. IT FRIGGIN BROKE. TOTALLY BROKE. SIAN LA IT BROKE. WTH IT JUZ BROKE. yesh. and i had to walk like some cripple to orchard rd, go shopping, stop halfway in the middle of the crowd to stuff the broken part somewhere. ZOMG HORRIBLE SIA. okay anw. went to orchard rd. left the buds at taka (haha rlly rich kids go taka) while we went cineleisure. went to buy gifts for our buds at morethanwords. haha headphones. rlly cool headphones. those bigbig (okay duh) but not so exx headphones :)) then went back to pick up simba, went for dinner at east coast :) ate chilli crab zomg i didnt eat coz i dun like haha. but wells ate a very very very full meal then went home sleep :)

DAY 5 -- aww farewell day :( went to eat breakfast first then went to sch. took pics, then exchanged presents. HAHA yurong most popular *coughs someone dont jealous okay* receive most gifts LOL. yeap gave all the gifts, then said farewell :( yurong sad luh, wont get to see her *coughs* anymore HAHA. okay wells they're going back to taiwan tmr so BON VOYAGE~~ 一路顺风 OKAY! :))

yeaps tt's all for taiwan buds!! yeap will miss them somehow haha but we'll get to see them in november again! so till then folks~~

NO, i don't speaka in english...
9:48 PM

Tuesday, August 17, 2010.


okay so here i am back to post! :) haha. kay YOG started~~ haha rlly cool tt yog is being held here mans. yknow if u cant organise the big one at least u can organise the smaller one rite! haha.

tests and etc have been rlly hard these days so wells im quite happy with my results liao la. at least i didnt fail horribly or watsoever rite! haha tho ppl like fh always get 28 for maths (and complain nvr get full marks LOL) im not deterred!! haha. pass happy liao la for those type of killer tests...

TMR~ tmr taiwan buds are coming! hosting them from 18-21. 20-21 stay at my house. almost died trying to clean up my room man. it looked TOTALLY messed up when i didnt clear it la zzz... but after 5-7 HOURS OF TOUGH CLEANING, limjiechong has succeded in cleaning up this pig-sty! LOL. the taiwan ppl btr appreciate mans. loll

received our syf pu yesterday -- caoyuanxiongying. NOPE. no melody. nothing. basically, we only haf... lets see... short notes, long notes. NO melody. how great is that. ohwells since this is our syf song lets juz perform it WONDERFULLY yeah! even tho we dun haf much parts we shall juz fa hui at wateva parts we haf. haha.

kinda broke these days... haha so i shall save up mans! so save up = missing A FEW recesses. A FEW ONLY okay not too many. eg miss recess tdae, go eat recess tmr. SOMETHING liddat. okay! (haha why am i stating it so clearly?? wells...)

oh and last ting: we'll be perf longteng for mid autumn (yesh, again). haha cant look at bev during longteng luh, will laugh. too epic alr. LOL. anw got liying to play solo yesterday, not bad wors! haha keep it up~ next chuida will be eileen's turn! haha eileen if u'r reading this ting
quickly shut down ur comp and go prac! :)

okay nothing liaos i guess O.O shall go watch yog badminton! on tv la duh, u tink i so good can go watch live meh -.- anw, GOOOOOOOO SINGAPORE~~~~~~~ (L)

kay bye :)

NO, i don't speaka in english...
7:18 PM

Wednesday, August 4, 2010.


after phy tmr i tink i'll feel a sense of relief. urm maybe tt relief is like 5% of wat im gonna feel after my EOYs?? haha.

anw HAPPY BDAE MR KWEK, KOHFANGHUA, OBAMA AND GORPOR! haha yall share the same bdae zomg. so cool mans. 4th august is the birthday date haha.

watched 最火搭档 juz now. VERY NICE LOL. haha its quite nice la the plot. but i tink i still like 叮当神探 or somethin (O.O) btr haha.

and whywhywhy the noose end so fast eh. 10 episodes only leh last time got 13 sia. izzit coz:
1. no much crap of singapore context to tink of??
2. CUT COST $$
lol but i hope will have the 4th season! i shall go petition to channel5 (if they allow petitions). or maybe we'll go to speaker's corner and ask for next season?? LOL.

ahh okay u can see my post is much of nothing coz i got nothing to post LOL i tot of something random i juz typed it out. sadly it didnt come out in paragraphs haiss. OKAY anws i shall go now tmr got phy test GOOD LUCKIES EVERYONE AND BYEE

NO, i don't speaka in english...
10:13 PM

Saturday, July 31, 2010.

yeah yeah one hectic week over... darn sian now lol (tho its saturday and im sorta slcaking now).

yeap yesterday after dazu and zhaoji went to macs with yinghui and gerome. supp to study la but wells had a H2HT haha! AND AND the food yesterday was rlly booooo at design sia. me and yh both ordered fillet-o-fish and guess wat. when we opened the box, the bread was one side, fish one side and another bread one side. woah mans didnt noe FOF change design -.- and bought an ice-cream cone, the person designed it till its so nice i didnt wna eat it. he twirled the icecream 3 times, then pulled, leaving one whole strand of icecream at the top. okay i noe this description sucks so yeap if u wna see the pics come look for me! haha i took pics of it :))

then sat yh's car home. her car is soooo cool mans haha quite big leg room (Y) LOL. and and and yh's dad said tt "macs is a very good place to study, i studied here last time when i was young!" haha and we felt so guilty coz we didnt study at all -.- the only attempt was me and yh taking out our QA notes, left it on the table and continued our H2HT O.O

yeap tdae's sy is gonna be 2pm dk why but yeahh. so shall go at 2 l8r mans. and GG sia my d diao doesnt seem very zhun so hehe if u dun see me coming out from sy alive l8r u noe wat happened to me *gulps* haha.

kay i srsly dk wat to post liao so i shall go~~ bye :)

NO, i don't speaka in english...
12:07 PM